Rachel Bornheimer and Clayton Wolfinbarger
July 26, 2020
On a cold January day, Clayton proposed on the beach in Homer, where Rachel grew up. “We drove to Homer with the plan of looking for sea glass,” says Rachel, “which is something we do often, both around the state and anywhere we travel. While walking on the beach CJ walked up to me and said ‘Look what I found,’ making me think he had a really cool piece of sea glass. Instead, he had an engagement ring!” Due to the pandemic, the couple changed to a DIY island wedding last minute, and Rachel says the logistics were challenging. “It was absolutely pouring the entire day before our outdoor wedding,” says Rachel. “When we woke up to sunshine on the island the day of the wedding and the boats started showing up at the right time with the right people on them we were so thankful. We were amazed with how everything turned out and have never felt so surrounded by love.” Rachel fondly remembers a few moments she giggled over: “First, when we were taking pictures at the waterfall it was impossible to hear our photographer. She resorted to a series of hand signals that sometimes worked and other times resulted in the groom trying to crouch down and hide behind a rock but actually having his head sticking up over it in a bunch of pictures. Second, near the end of the night we lit sparklers and took some home videos. In one of the videos our generally quiet, reserved friend is twirling his sparkler like there’s no tomorrow while everyone else casually plays with theirs. We couldn’t stop laughing watching it back!”