Q: I’m ready to find my dream dress. What should I know before I start trying on dresses?
A: With new COVID guidelines, dress shopping has changed just slightly, but can be just as awesome as ever!
Here's what you need to know:
• Appointments are most likely required at all stores for all services, this makes is so that each boutique can remain at the appropriate capacity for their space, allow for them to clean between appointments and make your experience as special as ever. So make sure you check ahead with each boutique you are wanting to visit and get your appointment booked so that you and your girls are ready for your shopping day.
• Brides and their guests will be asked to wear a face covering, as hard as something like this is for all of us, this is not optional. It’s important that we all do our part so that our boutiques can remain open and continue to assist our brides plan and prepare for their special day, all the while keeping both our brides, their guests, and ourselves all healthy.
• Something to keep in mind is that bridal sizing has not evolved in the same way that street sizing has over the last 50+ years. Do not be surprised (or upset) when you find THE dress and you measure into a bridal size larger than your current street size. It’s not you, it’s them! And don’t be concerned if your stylist is pulling sizes that are not what you would normally wear. She knows how to clip and pin to show you what it would look like once it’s the correct fit.
• Remember to be honest in both what you aren’t liking about a style, fabric, shape, fit, as well as what you are liking. We need to know so that we can get a clearer picture of what your vision is.
• It can be a total blast to have a large group of friends and family with you when you shop but it can also be VERY overwhelming. They all love you and want what’s best for you but every person you bring will be bringing another opinion as well. If you have a hard time focusing or want to “make everyone happy," it might be better to save the large gathering of friends for a viewing after you have picked “the ONE” and keep your shopping experience to just one to three close friends or family members.
• Try on styles that might be outside of what you had envisioned for yourself. You might surprise yourself and absolutely love something completely different (maybe for that exact reason).
Relax and have fun with the whole process!

Erika Anderson has been the owner of Anderson’s Bride for 28 years. "The store is literally my oldest child; I absolutely love all things bridal -- from the excitement of meeting a newly engaged bride who has no idea what she is looking for, to the bride who has 'planned' her dream day for years, to seeing pictures of how perfectly everything came together the day of her wedding." Visit andersonsbride.com.